A view from the top of a rocky hill, with forest and a lake below.

Environmental and social commitments

The climate crisis and social inequality are huge issues in today's world. As I work, I want to minimise my environmental impact and contribute something positive to the world and its inhabitants.

This is an evolving process, and I readily admit I am not perfect, but here are my commitments:

  • I will use self-generated electricity (solar panel) or electricity from a green energy supplier when in my office.
  • I will set electrical equipment to power saving mode whenever possible.
  • I will use refurbished electrical equipment whenever possible (this means used equipment that is in very good condition and has been fully serviced).
  • I will prioritise repairing/servicing equipment over replacing and upgrading without question (this article speaks to why this and the previous point feel important).
  • I will provide voluntary editing services to small charities or organisations with very low budgets (who would normally be unable to afford such services). I offer this for an average of half a day a week.
  • I will use a hosting provider with a progressive environmental policy.
  • I will exercise discernment in accepting work. If somebody shows a clear disregard for the environment or the well-being of other life, I will not work with them. Similarly, if a project promotes ideas that I feel are harmful or divisive, it's a no-no.
  • I will strive towards promoting language that is inclusive, empowering and respectful to all. I acknowledge that, like most people, I carry a myriad of subconscious bias, and I endeavour to shine a light on that.


I'm always open to other suggestions for how I can do better – if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them!